The application is now open for the Marine Drugs 2021 Travel Award. All applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee chaired by the Editor-in-Chief of Marine Drugs.
This prize provides financial support for the winners to attend a 2021 international conference in the research field of marine drugs.
- Postdoctoral fellows or PhD students (proof required);
- Be qualified and invited to give an oral presentation in an international conference relevant to the research focus of Marine Drugs which is scheduled in 2021.
Required application documents:
- Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae and a list of publications;
- Justification letter describing the applicant’s research focus and relevance with Marine Drugs (max. 800 words);
- Information about the conference the applicant is planning on attending, a copy of the abstract that will be submitted;
- Recommendation letter from one supervisor (supervisor’s Curriculum Vitae including a list of publications also needs to be attached).
The award will be 1000 Swiss Francs for each winner, with two winners in total.
Please apply by clicking the link ( before 30 November 2020. The winners will be announced on the website of Marine Drugs at the end of December 2020