Dinophysis - Tas Seyfettin, Turkey
Diving for the ciguatera culprit - Chui Pin Leaw, Malaysia
Razor clamming at sunset - Vera Trainer, USA
Phytoplankton monitoring - Vera Trainer, USA
Freshwater harmful algae - Nabakishore Nayak, India
Boats and orange: mixed bloom of Dinophysis and Noctiluca - Luis Proenca, Brazil
Chilean Alexandrium catenella - Ximena Vivanco, Chile
Bloom Alexandrium minutum - Po Teen Lim, Malaysia
Boats and Orange- Luis Proenca, Brazil
Freshwater harmful algae - Nabakishore Nayak, India
Epifluorescence microscopy (chlorophyll-a fluorescence) of a Dolichospermum sp. organism - Carla Kruk, Uruguay
Green Tide- Chunjiang Guan