Harmful Algae News (HAN) is an IOC (UNESCO) newsletter created to respond to the expressed wishes of participants in several IOC workshops on harmful algal blooms, in particular the IOC-SCOR Workshop in Newport, Rhode Island (USA), 2-3 November 1991. Its purpose is to disseminate information on harmful algal events and on research results as well as to announce research and management programmes, conferences, meetings etc. The initial address list included all the participants in the V International Conference on Harmful Algal Blooms. Nowadays, HAN has more than 2000 subscribers.
The first two issues of HAN were published in March and May 1992, in conjunction with UNESCO’s quarterly IMS Newsletter. Tim Wyatt had, at IOC’s request, agreed to be the Editor. Since September 1992, HAN has been published as a separate newsletter on harmful algae and harmful algal events that also serves as a newsletter for the SCOR-IOC GEOHAB Programme and for the International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae (ISSHA).